It's Wildcat Wednesday! Every Wednesday, we will spotlight a member of the LR Wildcat family.
This week we are introducing you to Robyn Eakins!
Job Title:
Registered Nurse
Tell us about your family (human and/or fur family):
My best friend/ husband Johnny and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in July. We have 2 amazing grown daughters and a son-in-law. Megan Townsley is 26, graduated from MSU with an English Masters in Professional & Technical Writing. I know she did not get that give from her mom. Karley recently graduated from SBU school of Nursing and currently works in Mercy’s ER. If you know her she is in the perfect job to exercise her sassy personality everyday. Then there is the fur baby collection. We have 2 rescued cocker spaniels , a rescued cat that my daughter Karley saved from our high school soccer field trash can, 4 horses and of course my latest addition of 2 mini donkeys because I had a weak moment.
How did you know you wanted to be a nurse?
For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to help people. I found it humbling to be able to comfort a friend, family member, doing kind gestures for someone else or even the multitude of animals that we had on my parents dairy farm.
What is your favorite thing about being a nurse?
To have the ability to make changes in someone life and for me its a bonus that I am able to to this for our community daily. When I took my first school nurse job 21 years ago, I took it because it fit my families needs and then fell in love with it. It is amazing to have to ability to wear many different hats and be in the position to meet needs of others that makes a difference in someones life.
How long have you worked at LR?
As a graduate of 1987 I feel like forever, but this is my 13th year as a school nurse.
What is your favorite thing about working for LR?
We are one big family and I love to bake and share with my work family. Nothing makes your work family smile like home baked goodies.
What is something about you that might surprise people?
Most people would be surprised that I am a bow hunter.
What is your favorite quote?
It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Learn to sing... I do not have a musical bone in my body!
What do you like to do when you're not at school?
Horse back riding, bow hunting with my husband, spend time with family.