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Character Education

Character Education Words of the Month

SeptemberRESPECT to show consideration for the feelings and rights of yourself, others, and the world around you.

OctoberRESPONSIBLE to follow through with your commitments, to be reliable, and to use good judgment in making decisions.

November— CARING to be interested and concerned about others, and to treat them with understanding and compassion.

DecemberHONESTY to tell the truth, to be fair and straightforward, and to lead a life of honor and dignity.

JanuaryATTITUDE to be positive when dealing with others, to believe in yourself, and to approach challenges with optimism.

FebruaryCOURTESY to be polite and considerate, to act with manners, and to be generous and helpful with others.

MarchSELF-DISCIPLINE to work hard, to control your emotions, actions and impulses, and to give your best in every situation.

AprilTRUSTWORTHY to be reliable, to follow through with your responsibilities, and to act in a way that will inspire others to believe in you.

MayDEPENDABLE to be consistent in your actions and behavior, and to be steadfast in doing what is needed or expected of you.

JuneCOOPERATION to be helpful, to work with others for the common good, and to be a willing and productive team player.

JulyINTEGRITY to behave in accordance with your values, to be sincere, and to be faithful to what you believe is important.

AugustACCOUNTABLE to consider the consequences of your actions, and to recognize tht you are held liable for your choices.

These traits were adopted from the Springfield Character Education Initiative

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