Tutoring - Leadership - Continuous Improvement
(Approved September 16, 2010, Revised 2018-2019, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, April 2023, August 2023, 2024-2025)
The Board of Education of the Logan-Rogersville R-VIII School District recognizes the relationship between high-quality instruction, teacher leadership, continuous improvement and student achievement, and therefore, supports the Wildcat TLC program. The program is established to encourage teacher involvement in Tutoring, Leadership, and Continuous Improvement. The program is aligned with the current Strategic Plan (i.e. Comprehensive School Improvement Plan - CSIP), School Improvement Plans (SIPs), Curriculum Development Plan, Professional Development Plan, Missouri School Improvement Program, and is based on available student achievement data and the results of needs assessments at the school and district level. All TLC/Career Ladder responsibilities are focused on improving student learning. (Component I) This plan was developed with input from teachers, administrators, and patrons at the September 2022 District Advisory Council and school board meetings. The plan is evaluated and updated annually by these same parties. (Component V)
For the fiscal year 2024-2025, a voluntary performance pay matching program established by state statute was put in place by the General Assembly as an annual appropriation to provide the state’s share of the Career Ladder Program. Up to 60 percent shall come from state Career Ladder Grant funds, and the remaining amount, not less than 40 percent and any related benefit costs, comes from local revenue. This grant is subject to appropriation on an annual basis.
Definitions & Guidelines (Component I)
Definition: Supplemental instruction provided by a certified teacher to a student or group of students, outside of the contracted school day, that enhances the regular instructional program(s) received in the classroom.
Guidelines: Each school principal, in collaboration with the building tutoring lead, and Student Success Team (SST) will:
- Identify areas of need and students to be served through a before/after school tutoring program.
- Assist in providing a focused tutoring program centered on student learning.
- Match student(s) to tutor(s) based on student need.
- Monitor time recorded on a tutoring log based on time spent with one or more students. (Time spent tutoring is based solely on the actual tutoring time, regardless of whether or not tutoring occurs with an individual student or a group of students.)
- Train tutors on tutoring expectations, progress monitoring, data analysis, and specific school related topics as needed (Before/After school clubs are not eligible for tutoring).
Definition: Responsibilities assigned and/or approved by administration outside of the contracted school day focused on enhancing student learning at the school or district level. Leadership must show a direct connection to student learning, achievement, and instruction as set forth through the Strategic Plan.
Guidelines: Individuals serving in a leadership capacity on school level or district wide committees and/or teams who are eligible for the Wildcat TLC program / Career Ladder will adhere to the following:
- Hours served in a leadership capacity must be tied directly to student learning and occur outside of regular contract time.
- Leadership responsibilities will occur at both the school level and district level as areas of focus are identified.
- Leadership positions for which a stipend is received are not eligible for TLC.
Continuous Improvement
Professional learning driven by a targeted area of focus aligned to the Strategic Plan as the district/school seeks to problem-solve areas of needed growth.
Those engaging in professional learning under Continuous Improvement will ensure their efforts support improvement in the implementation of research-based instructional practices, and data-driven decision making. Continuous improvement efforts are intended to:
- Support the collective learning of teachers.
- Align with district, school, and teacher goals.
- Incorporate active learning and provide teachers the opportunity to practice and apply new knowledge.
- Provide opportunities for collective participation by staff members in the same school community, subject area, grade level or department.
- Continuous Improvement for which a stipend is received are not eligible for TLC.
Stages of Wildcat TLC / Career Ladder (Component II)
Stage 0: (100% District Funded - TLC)
1st and 2nd year, and All Non-Classroom Eligible Personnel
50 Hours maximum allowed
$1,750 = $35/hr.
Stage 1: ($30 Career Ladder Eligible / $5 District Funded)
Must be in year 3+
50 Hours minimum required and maximum allowed
$1,750 = $35/hr.
Stage 2: (Career Ladder Eligible)
Must be in year 4+
75 Hours minimum required and maximum allowed
$3,000 = $40/hr.
Stage 3: (Career Ladder Eligible)
Must be in year 6+
100 Hours minimum required and maximum allowed
$5,000 = $50/hr.
- Tutoring; Required Minimum = 25 hours
Additional Information:
- If the required hours for a stage are not met, compensation and maximum allowable hours will revert to the prior eligible stage.
- In accordance with State Statute, Career Ladder compensation for stages 1-3 can not exceed amounts listed.
- The tutoring portion of the TLC program will no longer be unlimited. Tutoring hours are capped at the maximum hours allowed at each stage.
Wildcat TLC (stage 0) Eligibility Requirements
Wildcat TLC remains in place for those eligible employees not able to take part in the state’s Career Ladder Grant Program. Requirements for the district’s TLC program include:
- Eligibility for participation in Wildcat TLC is reserved for full-time certified and other professionally licensed employees who work directly with students. This includes ALL first and second year teachers.
- Eligible Wildcat TLC (stage 0) participants include; All Certified Staff, including: school psychological examiners, parents as teachers educators, school psychologists, special education diagnosticians, and ancillary personnel: speech pathologist, occupational therapists and paraprofessionals with a substitute teaching certificate.
- All eligible personnel must be appropriately certified and paid on the district salary schedule.
- Wildcat TLC program dates begin with summer break (immediately following the last day of the academic calendar) and run through May 15 of the next school year.
- No activity can be counted toward the Wildcat TLC program in which a participant is already receiving compensation.
- All hours logged must occur outside of the contract day and be reported to each school’s principal.
- All hours can be accumulated in ¼ hour increments, ½ hour increments or on an hourly basis.
- Payment shall occur by June 30.
- Pre-approval of activity is required. Hours that do not meet the intent of the program will not be approved.
- Administrators are not eligible to participate in the Wildcat TLC or the Career Ladder Grant Program.
- Teachers must submit a TLC/Career Ladder Development Plan for approval
- The Development Plan must be completed by August 30, 2024
- TLC/Career Ladder Development Plans will be in alignment to the district’s Strategic Plan, the School Improvement Plan, and the teacher’s Professional Development Plan.
ADDITIONAL Career Ladder Grant Program Eligibility Requirements (stages 1 - 3) (Components III & IV)
Career Ladder Grant stages 1-3 have specific requirements per statute;
- Eligible experience must be in a Missouri Public School.
- Teachers must have completed the required beginning teacher assistance program, and participated in two (2) years of mentoring for Stage 1 Eligibility.
- Acceptable performance on the most recent teacher evaluation aligned with the Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation.
- Be serving on not less than a regular length full-time contract.
- Appropriate certification for each teacher.
- Stage Eligibility:
- At Stage I: Teacher in year three+ of teaching who completes the required fifty (50) clock hours.
- At Stage II: Teacher in year four+ of teaching who completes the required seventy-five (75) clock hours.
- At Stage III: Teacher in year six+ who completes the required one hundred (100) clock hours. Tutoring; Required Minimum = 25 hours
- To be eligible, activities must be pre-approved by the building principal.
- Teachers must submit a TLC/Career Ladder Development Plan for approval
- The Development Plan must be completed by August 30, 2024
- TLC/Career Ladder Development Plans will be in alignment to the district’s Strategic Plan, the School Improvement Plan, and the teacher’s Professional Development Plan.
Contact Jodi Beck if you need a TLC / Career Ladder Hours Tracking Form
Email –
Phone – 753-2891 x3038
Examples of Acceptable / Unacceptable Activities
Assessment (Component VI)
The Logan-Rogersville R-VIII School District shall create an assessment committee consisting of educators, administrators and patrons to annually assess the success of the District Career Ladder Program. They will report to the Board of Education each year at the regular May meeting regarding the benefits for school and students, and teacher interest and participation. In addition, the Logan-Rogersville School District will collect and make available the following data sources upon request to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education:
- Total number of teachers participating at each stage.
- Final total state contribution.
- Final total local contribution.
- Total hours of teacher participation in these categories
- Teacher externships
- Serving as a coach, supervisor, or organizer of any extracurricular activities for which the teacher does not already receive additional compensation
- Serving as a mentor or cooperating teacher for new teachers for which the teacher does not already receive additional compensation
- Serving as a mentor for students, whether in a formal or informal capacity
- Providing high-quality tutoring or additional learning opportunities to students
- Assisting students with postsecondary education preparation including, but not limited to, teaching an ACT or SAT preparation course or assisting students with completing college or career school admission or financial assistance applications
- Receiving additional teacher training or certification outside of that offered by the school district (i.e. National Board Certification)
- District sponsored professional learning opportunities aligned to the Strategic Plan (District School Improvement Plan, Curriculum Development Plan, Professional Development Plan, Missouri School Improvement Program) and directly related to academic improvement.
- Overall annual retention rates of participating teachers
Appeal Process (Components VII & VIII)
Appeals for approval or denial of application and initial placement on the Career Ladder Program, including the right to substantive and procedural appeals of the local comprehensive, performance-based evaluation process. Procedures will include, but not limited to;
An opportunity to have the decision reviewed by the Superintendent or designee.
An opportunity for a board appointed committee to review the superintendent or designee’s decision.
All decisions made with respect to a teacher’s application to, and placement on, any stage shall be based on the qualifications for that stage as stated in the district plan.
An educator entering the Logan-Rogersville School District may apply to participate in any Career Ladder stage for which he/she is qualified based on total years of experience in a Missouri public school.