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Lynn Hudgens - 9/4/24

Wildcat Wednesday Lynn Hudgens


It's Wildcat Wednesday! On Wednesdays, we spotlight a member of the LR Wildcat family.

This week we are introducing you to Lynn Hudgens!


Job Title:
Bus Driver

Tell us about your family:
My wife, June, and I have been married 54 years and have an adult daughter, Michelle. June was an Assistant Principal, teacher and librarian over a 33 year career. Michelle is carrying on the tradition having completed her educational doctorate at Mizzou and has been teaching at OTC for over 15 years. June is retired, and I retired from owning a computer services business for 22 years. We love Missouri and this area and are proud of what Logan-Rogersville Schools are doing for students and our community.

How long have you worked for LR?
Started driving an LR bus spring of 2024 as a substitute.

What is your favorite thing about working for LR?
Logan-Rogersville Schools are more community focused (internal & external) than school systems June & I have observed in other locations. It's easy to have a sense of pride in what we are a part of. Being a bus driver means I get to see students from Pre-K all the way to high school seniors. That's kind of special.

What is something about you that might surprise people?
I love outdoors and being in nature. Can't get enough of it. Nature photography is unending in its variety. But I guess the biggest surprise is that I like amateur astronomy (have 4 or 5 telescopes). It's amazing what you can see in the night sky...if we only look up and skip some TV shows. 

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had? 
Job Title: Picking up chunks. In high school I walked behind a tractor all day (starting at sun rise) picking up pieces of bulldozed trees and putting them on a trailer. We were clearing Louisiana soybean fields. Pay rate was 85 cents an hour. (Getting rich...)

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
I've taught Microsoft Office software classes at a community college for adults in the workforce. I might try to find that kind of opportunity again. It's really rewarding "to see the light bulb go off." The "Aha!" moments are cool.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Scuba dive. It's always been a dream.

What do you like to do when you're not at school?
I have a lot of hobbies, so I pick one. But nature photography is probably my favorite.


Wildcat Wednesday

Thanks for being a part of the Wildcat family, Lynn!