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Inclement Weather FAQs

Transportation and Inclement WeatherInclement Weather FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions

What factors influence the district's decision to cancel school?
Safety of school children is the first consideration upon the forecast of inclement weather or in case of continuing unfavorable road conditions. We understand the difficulties canceling school can cause for families. The goal is to remain open as scheduled as much as possible. However, there are times when weather conditions will cause school to be cancelled for the safety of our 2,400+ students.

Considerations when canceling school include: the condition of area roads in the three counties that comprise the LR school district, school campus conditions such as parking lots, sidewalks and roofs; bus fleet condition, and weather forecast during arrival & dismissal times.

Who makes the decision to cancel school due to bad weather?
The Superintendent, in collaboration with individuals representing transportation, facilities, and administration, evaluates the weather forecast, road conditions, confers with the National Weather Service and/or MODOT, and then makes the determination whether to cancel school.

When and how is the decision announced?
The district makes every effort to determine cancellation by 5:00 AM so parents may be notified as soon as possible. However, the arrival time of inclement weather may cause the cancellation time to vary.

The decision to close school is announced immediately via the district notification system and through the local news media. Notice is also posted on the district website at and social media (Twitter, Facebook).

When will the district use Snow Routes?
The use of snow routes will depend on road conditions and outside temperature. If many roads in the district are not clear enough for bus travel, but the designated snow routes are clear, then the decision could be made to go to school. Students would be responsible to meet their bus at the designated stops at the scheduled times. The snow routes are designed to run buses on the main district roads and stop at pre-determined safe locations. Drivers are asked NOT to deviate from the assigned stops when utilizing snow routes. The decision to run snow routes will be announced through the same media outlets as school cancellations. Please see Snow Routes for the times and locations of individual bus snow routes.

If Snow Routes are used in the morning, will they also be used for noon and afternoon routes?
Yes, if road conditions improve during the day you will be notified that we will run regular routes in the afternoon. Otherwise, plan on Snow Routes.

Why does Logan-Rogersville sometimes cancel school when other area schools are in session / Why does Logan-Rogersville sometimes remain open when other area schools are closed?
Each school district is unique. The Logan-Rogersville district is comprised of areas in three different counties. Each county road department is unique in their fleet size, budget and protocol.

The number of rural roads, terrain, paved surfaces, etc., can make the safety of travel vary from one part of the district to another even when they are in close geographic proximity.

What if early morning road conditions are bad but are likely to improve quickly?
For mornings when road conditions could improve quickly, we may call for a 2 Hour Late Start schedule. For a 2 Hour Late Start, each building will begin school two hours late and end school at its regularly scheduled time. Please see 2-Hour Late Start FAQs HERE.

When school is closed are all other scheduled extra-curricular and co-curricular activities canceled for the day?
On days when school is cancelled, programs held in the schools such as before & after school CatCare are also cancelled. However, some student activities may continue as scheduled depending on changing weather conditions, distance of travel, departure times and location. 

How does the district determine when the cancelled day will be made up?
The LR School District has 52 hours of inclement weather make-up days scheduled in the calendar by utilizing 6 remote learning days (AMI) and 2 snow days. The determination of AMI or snow day will be announced with the school closing.

Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, each school calendar shall include 36 make-up hours for possible loss of attendance due to inclement weather. A school district may be exempt from the requirement to make up school lost or canceled due to inclement weather when the district has made up the required 36 hours and half the number of additional lost or canceled hours up to 48 hours, resulting in no more than 60 total make-up hours.

Are there alternative programs available to students when school is canceled?
Some local daycares may offer programs for children when school is cancelled, please contact daycares directly for more information. Springfield community agencies offer snow-day activities for children, but only when Springfield Public School is not in session. Contact Springfield-Greene County Park Board (417) 864-1049, and Ozarks Regional YMCA (417) 862-7456 for more information.

If parents choose to keep their child home from school when school is not canceled, how will this affect the child's attendance?
Children who are kept out of school will be counted absent. The district does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences for average daily attendance purposes. The only time a student is not counted absent is if they miss due to a school-sponsored activity. The reason for missing school will be noted and the school principal will determine the allowed make-up policy for missed assignments in class.

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Rogersville , Missouri 65742
Phone: 417-753-2891