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Michael VanZant - 8/28/24

Wildcat Wednesday Michael VanZant


It's Wildcat Wednesday! Every Wednesday, we will spotlight a member of the LR Wildcat family.

This week we are introducing you to Michael VanZant!


Job Title:
Middle School Project Lead the Way (PLTW)/Computer Science Teacher

Tell us about your family:
I've been married for 19 years to my wife, Ashley, who is a Physican Assistant and teaches at Drury. We have three kids, our oldest Piper is a freshman, our son Cade is in 4th grade, and youngest Brynn is in kindergarten. We love visiting national parks and hanging out with our church family.

How long have you been a teacher/worked in education?
8 years

What makes you passionate about education?
I enjoy witnessing the excitement and curiosity of students as they grasp new concepts. Whether it’s the thrill of assembling robots or exploring innovative green architecture, their enthusiasm and sense of achievement are incredibly rewarding.

What is your must-have classroom item?
Coffee and robots

If you had to choose a different grade/subject to teach, what would it be?
One thing I love about PLTW is the classes are always evolving and there's always different areas that can be added.

What is something about you that might surprise people?
Stop by my room and ask me about my wolf encounter in Yellowstone.

What is one item on your bucket list?
Watch the Chiefs win a Superbowl in person.

Wildcat Wednesday

Welcome to the Wildcat family, Michael!