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Olivia Guy - 5/1/24

Wildcat Wednesday Olivia Guy


It's Wildcat Wednesday! Every Wednesday, we will spotlight a member of the LR Wildcat family.

This week we are introducing you to Olivia Guy!


Job Title:
High School English Teacher

Tell us about your family:
I am married to Robert who is a software developer and team manager. I have three children. Grace is 21 and is a senior at Missouri State University. Corina is 12 and is in 6th grade and Sullivan is in 4th grade - both at Logan-Rogersville. We also have an Irish Setter, Bailey, and a cat named George.

How long have you been a teacher/worked in education?
This is my 22nd year teaching.

What makes you passionate about education?
I love connecting with the students and having a profession, although challenging, is so impactful to so many lives. It's truly humbling when you stop and reflect on the good you can do by serving others.

What is your must-have classroom item?
Lots and lots of colored pens (my students know!)

If you had to choose a different grade/subject to teach, what would it be?
I would teach art. Those were my favorite classes in high school.

What is something about you that might surprise people?
Hmm...I might want to keep those a surprise, ha.

What is one item on your bucket list?
l'd like to take my family on a white water rafting trip through the Grand Canyon. I have been thinking about that one for a while.


Wildcat Wednesday

Olivia, we’re thrilled to have you as a Wildcat!